I ask that you also turn your hearts to the health of our Parish. We are a happy Parish, a loving Parish and a STRONG Parish. We are strong because...
We pray together - in our Masses and Services, on weekdays, Sundays, Saint Days, Holy Days, prayer groups, pilgrimages, and missions.
We celebrate our children - in our Religious Education Program, our Sacramental Masses, our Family Masses, at Christmas and Easter breakfasts, and through CYO.
We honor each other - on Mother's Day, Father's Day, Wedding Anniversaries and Veteran, Memorial, Independence, Labor and Hero's Days.
We help one another - through our Altar & Rosary Society, our Sharing Community, special programs (such as CPR training) and our Parish Ministries.
We celebrate each other - in our special events such as the Spring Fling, and Harvest Moon (soon to become our Parish Oktoberfest).
And there is so much more still in the planning.
All Parishioners should by now have received a brochure in the mail explaining our Parish Campaign, Renew and Rebuild. It has been almost ten years since we had our last one. A Campaign is an opportunity for a Parish to raise needed funding to keep its infrastructure sound and strong.
More than that, a Parish Campaign is an opportunity to rally and show our love and support for each other and our Immaculate Conception Church...
to one another, to our community, and to our Archdiocese.
Over the weeks to come you will hear more. To those of you who have already given... my most sincere and heartfelt thanks. To those of you who will be giving... pray for your decision, and pray for your Parish.